The Trust has developed policy and procedure applicable to all activities carried out by the Trust or on behalf of the Trust by third parties.
The purpose of both policy and procedure is:
To protect from harm all children, young people and adults participating in its activities.
To assure parents that their children are safe.
To raise awareness amongst our trustees, employees and volunteers, so they
know how to respond if they have any concerns about the welfare of others particularly children.
To protect trustees, employees and volunteers, by giving them some practical,
common-sense guidelines to avoid placing themselves in situations where they are open to allegations which could seriously damage their lives and careers.
To provide a safe environment.
Policy Statement
The Trust is committed to safeguarding all children, young people and adults participating in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, including bullying.
We recognise that safety and welfare is paramount and that everyone, whatever their age, gender, disability, culture, ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, social status or sexual identity, have an equal right to participation, and to protection from exploitation and abuse.
All trustees, employees and volunteers of The Trust and its subsidiaries should be aware of this policy and understand and adhere to the procedures necessary for effective implementation.
We will:
Promote and uphold a culture of appropriate behaviour by all, and mutual respect for everyone participating in the organisation s activities.
Ensure that activities and events are run to the highest practicable safety standards.
Respond swiftly and appropriately to any concerns or complaints about bullying, standards of practice and suspected or actual exploitation or abuse.
Apply appropriate levels of scrutiny in the selection and appointment of trustees, employees, volunteers, or partner organisations and in the allocation of roles and responsibilities.
Regularly review policy, practice and procedure to learn lessons, incorporate improvements and adopt latest best practice.
Photography and Video
We recognise that sharing photographs and video of our activities can help us celebrate the successes and achievements of our children and young people, provide a record of our activities and raise awareness of our organisation.
Verifiable consent will be obtained from parents/carers/institutions before taking photos or video for promotional purposes and/or before publishing any such images. Care will be taken in the selection of any images before approval for publication to ensure they are wholly appropriate and do not include any identifying information other than names and age. Any concerns about unauthorised or intrusive photography or the inappropriate use of images by, trustees, employees, volunteers, or members of the public must be reported to the Welfare Officer.
We will never exclude a child from an activity because we do not have consent to take their photograph.
Roles and Responsibilities
Trustees, employees, volunteers and participants all have a responsibility to be guided in their actions by the Safeguarding & Welfare Policy and to comply with Procedure when applicable.
The Welfare Officer (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
The Welfare Officer is responsible for:
Maintaining up-to-date Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. (To be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Trustees).
Ensuring that volunteers, employees, and officers are aware of and understand the procedures through appropriate induction and training sessions.
Advising on the implementation of Safe Recruitment procedures and maintain secure records of supporting
Acting where an individual needs to apply for a Disclosure Certificate and will assist and support the applicant in the use of the RYA Employmentcheck online system.
Maintaining contact Social Care Services and the Police. Should anyone (children or adults) have any concerns, or feel in need of support or advice,
the Welfare Officer will:
Be the first point of contact and maintain confidentiality in all cases.
Decide on and implement the appropriate action in accordance with the approved
Seek the advice and support of the Trustee Safeguarding Lead when necessary.
Inform the RYA or other regulating or accreditation body if appropriate
Be the first point of contact and maintain confidentiality in all cases.
ecide on and implement the appropriate action in accordance with the approved
Seek the advice and support of the Trustee Safeguarding Lead when necessary.
nform the RYA or other regulating or accreditation body if appropriate
Welfare Officer: Sharon Rawlinson
3.2 Trustee Safeguarding Lead
The Trustee Safeguarding lead is available to advise and support the Welfare Officer when required, assist in the review and development of policy and procedure, and reports to the Board of Trustees on any safeguarding issues.
Trustee Safeguarding Lead: Stephen Jones
Bullying (including online bullying, for example via text or social media) is deliberately hurtful behaviour, usually repeated or sustained over a period of time, often where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. The bully can be anyone, an adult in a position of authority or responsibility or a child or young person. Similarly, anyone can be the target of bullying. Victims are typically but not always shy, sensitive, and perhaps anxious or insecure. They may be singled out for many reasons or none at all being overweight or physically small, being gay or lesbian, having a disability or belonging to a different race, faith or culture. Bullying can include:
Overbearing and aggressive behaviour, physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching etc
Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation or the continual ignoring of individuals
Posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social network sites
Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, sectarianism
Sexual comments, suggestions or behaviour
Unwanted physical contact
A complete copy of the welfare policy and proceedures is available from the Welfare Officer
Sharon Rawlinson Welfare Officer contact email
The Stour Blue Water Pass Trust -
Registered Charity No 1180421
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